Monday, November 21, 2011

Tool # 8

After watching the videos, I learned that each student must sign in prior to working, because it takes a long time to sign in for the first time. So, I will set it up as a station for students to just sign in. I learned that it has a port to plug in my projector. I learned how to create pictures and videos.

How will I manage these devises? I will have 2 technology managers, who will be responsible for pulling them out in the morning and returning them at the end of the day. There will be specific rules as to how they are carried around the room, when students can work on them, responsible parties when groups are working on them, and rules on how to use it. I will number each devise and have a sign in/out sheet as to what number is being used by what student, so that the teacher knows at all times who has what device. Devices will be used for research and projects.

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